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Leech, Wilson 93
GEOFFREY LEECH, ANDREW WILSON: Morphosyntactic Corpus Annotation, EAGLES, Text Corpora Working Group, Subtask 3.1: Invitation draft. University of Lancester, Dec. 1993.

Monachini, Calzolari 93
MONICA MONACHINI, NICOLETTA CALZOLARI: Synopsis and Comparison of Morphosyntactic Phenomena Encoded in Lexicon and Corpora. EAGLES Lexicon Group, ILC, Università Pisa, Dec. 1994.

Monachini 95
MONICA MONACHINI: ``ELM-IT: An Italian Incarnation of the EAGLES-TS. Definition of Lexicon Specification and Classification Guidelines''. Pisa, October 1995

von Rekowski 95
URSULA VON REKOWSKI: ``ELM-FR: A French Incarnation of the EAGLES-TS. Definition of Lexicon Specification and Classification Guidelines''. Paris, October 1995

Schiller 94
ANNE SCHILLER: Guidelines für das Tagging deutscher Textcorpora (Kleines und erweitertes Tagset). Working Paper, Draft version, IMS, Universität Stuttgart, 16. Dez. 1994.

Schiller, Teufel, Thielen 94/95
Vorläufige Guidelines für das Tagging deutscher Textcorpora mit STTS. Working Paper, Draft Version, IMS, Universität Stuttgart, 24. Mai 1995.

Teufel 95
SIMONE TEUFEL: ``EAGLES Validation (WP4) Task on Tagset Mapping Draft Report (ELM-EN)''. Stuttgart, October 1995