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Preliminary Recommendations
The basic working procedure followed throughout consists in
establishing grammatical equivalences relating pairs of
system-specific coding schemes. These equivalences provide the basis
for an inter-theoretical formalism which is particularly suitable for
characterising the weak equivalence of various grammar frameworks and
therefore pre-empts the danger that the common specification turns into
yet another framework, rather than providing an edited union of
existing frameworks. The general strategy adopted in implementing
this working procedure can be summarised as follows:
- Standardise basic notions which are necessary in expressing
subcategorisation, in the systems and languages considered, by --
- Comparing the classificatory insights underlying a
representative set of system-specific coding schemes for
- Establishing a class of equivalences across these classificatory
insights; and
- Using these equivalences to formulate new basic classificatory
notions for subcategorisation.
- Use standardised basic notions to define standardised
subcategorisation patterns.
- Integrate existing EAGLES work (e.g. Morphology
- Collaborate with ongoing EAGLES groups whose work is related to
subcategorisation (e.g. Syntactic Annotation).