Francesca Frontini

Qualification: Researcher

Group: LaRI Group

Venue: Pisa

Room: 6

Telephone: +39 050 315 2865


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2023 - Conference contributions
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Frontini F. (2023) “Words and the Company they Keep: Digital corpora and infrastructures for the foreign language classroom”, Didattica della lingua, della cultura e cittadinanza attiva: sfide educative contemporanee-Seminari LEND Modena, 07/02/2023.
2022 - Book chapters
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De Jong F., Van Uytvanck D., Frontini F., Van Den Bosch A., Fišer D., and Witt A. (2022) “Language Matters. The European Research Infrastructure CLARIN, Today and Tomorrow”, CLARIN: The Infrastructure for Language Resources, ISBN 978-3-11-076737-7, Fišer D. and Witt A. (eds.), published by Walter De Gruyter Inc (Boston/Berlin/Munich, USA), vol. 1, pp. 31-58.
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Del Fante D., Frontini F., Monachini M., and Quochi V. (2022) “Italian Language Resources. From CLARIN-IT to the VLO and Back: Sketching a Methodology for Monitoring LRs Visibility”, Selected Papers from the CLARIN Annual Conference 2021, ISBN 978-91-7929-444-1, Monachini, Monica, Eskevich, and Maria (eds.), pp. 10-22.
2022 - Conference papers
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Agnoloni T., Bartolini R., Frontini F., Montemagni S., Marchetti C., Quochi V., Ruisi M., and Venturi G. (2022) “Making Italian Parliamentary Records Machine-Actionable: the Construction of the ParlaMint-IT corpus”, Workshop ParlaCLARIN III within the 13th Language Resources and Evaluation Conference, Marseille, France, 20/06/2022, published by European Language Resources Association ELRA (Paris, FRA), pp. 117-124.
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Del Fante D., Frontini F., Monachini M., and Quochi V. (2022) “CLARIN-IT: An Overview on the Italian Clarin Consortium After Six Years of Activity”, Proceedings of the 18th Italian Research Conference on Digital Libraries, ISSN 1613-0073, Italian Research Conference on Digital Libraries, Università degli Studi di Padova, 24/02/2022, Di Nunzio G. M., Portelli B., Redavid D., and Silvello G. (eds.), published by CEUR-WS. org (Aachen, DEU), 8 pages.
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Gamba F., Frontini F., Broeder D., and Monachini M. (2022) “Language Technologies for the Creation of Multilingual Terminologies. Lessons Learned from the SSHOC Project”, 13th Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC 2022), Marseille, France, 22/06/2022-24/06/2022, published by European Language Resources Association ELRA (Paris, FRA), pp. 154-163.
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Hirsch F., Frontini F., Didirková I., and Drengubiak J. (2022) “Esthétique de la voix dans les livres audio en langue française”, 138, 8e Congrès Mondial de Linguistique Française, Université d'Orléans, France, 04-08/07/2022.
2022 - Technical reports
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Martelli F., Maru M., Campagnano C., Navigli R., Velardi P., Ureña Ruiz R., Frontini F., Quochi V., Kallas J., Koppel K., Langemets M., De Does J., Tempelaars R., Tiberius C., Costa R., Salgado A., Krek S., Čibej J., Dobrovoljc K., Gantar P., and Munda T. (2022) “D3. 8 Lexical-semantic analytics for NLP”, 67 pages.
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Tasovac T., Tiberius C., Bamberg C., Bellandi A., Burch T., Costa R., Ďurčo M., Frontini F., Hennemann J., Heylen K., Jakubíček M., Khan F., Klee A., Kosem I., Kovář V., Matuška O., McCrae J., Monachini M., Mörth K., Munda T., Quochi V., Repar A., Roche C., Salgado A., Sievers H., Váradi T., Weyand S., Woldrich A., and Zhanial S. (2022) “D5. 3 Overview of Online Tutorials and Instruction Manuals”, 31 pages.
2022 - Miscellanea
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Frontini F., Bellandi A., Quochi V., Monachini M., Mörth K., Zhanial S., Ďurčo M., and Woldrich A. (2022) “CLARIN Tools and Resources for Lexicographic Work”.
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Martelli F., Navigli R., Krek S., Kallas J., Gantar P., Koeva S., Nimb S., Pedersen B. S., Olsen S., Langemets M., Koppel K., Üksik T., Dobrovoljc K., Ureña Ruiz R., Sancho Sánchez J., Lipp V., Váradi T., Győrffy A., László S., Quochi V., Monachini M., Frontini F., Tiberius C., Tempelaars R., Costa R., Salgado A., Čibej J., and Munda T. (2022) “Parallel sense-annotated corpus ELEXIS-WSD 1. 0”.
2021 - Journal articles
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Panckhurst R. and Frontini F. (2021) “An Internationally Fair Mediated Digital Discourse Corpus: Improving Knowledge on Reuse”, Linköping electronic conference proceedings (Online), ISSN 1650-3740, published by Linköping University Electronic Press (Linköping, Svezia), vol. 180, pp. 185-193.
2021 - Edited volumes
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Brando C., Frontini F., Moreau D., Roche M., and Masson É. (eds.) (2021) “Humanités numériques spatialisées”, vol. 3.
2021 - Editorials
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Brando C., Frontini F., Moreau D., Roche M., and Masson É. (2021) “Introduction. Humanités numériques et analyses spatiales: enjeux et perspectives”, Humanités numériques (Online), ISSN 2736-2337, published by Humanistica (Bruxelles, Belgio), vol. 3.
2021 - Conference papers
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Martelli F., Navigli R., Krek S., Tiberius C., Kallas J., Gantar P., Koeva S., Nimb S., Pedersen B. S., Olsen S., Langements M., Koppel K., Üksik T., Dobrovolijc K., Ureña Ruiz R., Sanchosánchez J., Lipp V., Varadi T., Györffy A., László S., Quochi V., Monachini M., Frontini F., Tempelaars R., Costa R., Salgado A., Čibej J., and Munda T. (2021) “Designing the ELEXIS Parallel Sense-Annotated Dataset in 10 European Languages”, Proceedings of the eLex 2021 conference, eLex 2021, 05/-7/2021-07/07/2021, pp. 377-396.
2021 - Conference contributions
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Eskevich M. and Frontini F. (2021) “SSHOC'ing drama in the cloud”, LIBER annual conference, virtual event, 08/07/2021.
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Frontini F. and Khan A. F. (2021) “Di cosa parliamo quando parliamo di FAIR?”, AIUCD 2021-DH per la società: e-guaglianza, par-tecipazione, diritti e valori nell'era digitale. Raccolta degli abstract estesi della 10a conferenza nazionale, Pisa, 2021, ISBN 9788894253559, AIUCD 2021-DH per la società: e-guaglianza, partecipazione, diritti e valori nell'era digitale, 19-22/01/2021, Del Grosso A. M., Boschetti F., and Salvatori E. (eds.), pp. 19-24.
2021 - Technical reports
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Frontini F., Gamba F., and Monachini M. (2021) “D3. 9 Report on Ontology and Vocabulary Collection and Publication”.
2021 - Miscellanea
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Alrahabi M., Brando C., Frontini F., Provenier A., Jalabert R., Bordry M., Koskas C., and Gawley J. (2021) “Guide d'annotation manuelle d'entités nommées dans des corpus littéraires”.
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Erjavec T., Ogrodniczuk M., Osenova P., Ljubešić N., Simov K., Grigorova V., Rudolf M., Pančur A., Kopp M., Barkarson S., Steingrímsson S., Van Der Pol H., Depoorter G., De Does J., Jongejan B., Haltrup Hansen D., Navarretta C., Calzada Pérez M., De Macedo L. D., Van Heusden R., Marx M., Çöltekin Ç., Coole M., Agnoloni T., Frontini F., Montemagni S., Quochi V., Venturi G., Ruisi M., Marchetti C., Battistoni R., Sebők M., Ring O., Darģis R., Utka A., Petkevičius M., Briedienė M., Krilavičius T., Morkevičius V., Diwersy S., Luxardo G., and Rayson P. (2021) “Linguistically annotated multilingual comparable corpora of parliamentary debates ParlaMint. ana 2. 1”.
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Erjavec T., Ogrodniczuk M., Osenova P., Ljubešić N., Simov K., Grigorova V., Rudolf M., Pančur A., Kopp M., Barkarson S., Steingrímsson S., Van Der Pol H., Depoorter G., De Does J., Jongejan B., Haltrup Hansen D., Navarretta C., Calzada Pérez M., De Macedo L. D., Van Heusden R., Marx M., Çöltekin Ç., Coole M., Agnoloni T., Frontini F., Montemagni S., Quochi V., Venturi G., Ruisi M., Marchetti C., Battistoni R., Sebők M., Ring O., Darģis R., Utka A., Petkevičius M., Briedienė M., Krilavičius T., Morkevičius V., Diwersy S., Luxardo G., and Rayson P. (2021) “Multilingual comparable corpora of parliamentary debates ParlaMint 2. 1”.
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Frontini F., Gamba F., Monachini M., and Broeder D. (2021) “SSHOC Multilingual Data Stewardship Terminology”.
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Frontini F., Gamba F., Monachini M., and Broeder D. (2021) “SSHOC Multilingual Metadata”.
2020 - Conference contributions
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Frontini F. (2020) “Dans les coulisses des infrastructures européennes en SHS. Rôle et opportunités pour les acteurs de la recherche (ingénieurs et chercheurs)”, Journées annuelles du réseau Mate-shs (JA2020), Montpellier, 10/11/2020.
2018 - Conference papers
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Khan F., Bellandi A., Frontini F., and Monachini M. (2018) “One Language to rule them all: modelling Morphological Patterns in a Large Scale Italian Lexicon with SWRL”, Proceedings of the Eleventh International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC 2018), ISBN 979-10-95546-00-9, Eleventh International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC 2018), Miyazaki, Japan, 7-12/05/2018, Calzolari N. (ed.), published by European Language Resources Association ELRA (Paris, FRA), pp. 4385-4389.
2017 - Book chapters
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Manzella G. M. R., Bartolini R., Bustaffa F., D'Angelo P., De Mattei M., Frontini F., Maltese M., Medone D., Monachini M., Novellino A., and Spada A. (2017) “Semantic Search Engine for Data Management and Sustainable Development: Marine Planning Service Platform”, Oceanographic and Marine Cross-Domain Data Management for Sustainable Development, Diviacco P., Leadbetter A., and Glaves H. (eds.), published by IGI Global (Hershey, USA), vol. Volume 7, pp. 127-154.
2016 - Journal articles
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Frontini F., Brando C., Riguet M., Jacquot C., and Jolivet V. (2016) “Annotation of Toponyms in TEI Digital Literary Editions and Linking to the Web of Data”, MATLIT: Materialidades da Literatura, ISSN 2182-8830, vol. 4, pp. 49-75.
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Frontini F., Carmen B., and Ganascia J. G. (2016) “REDEN: Named Entity Linking in Digital Literary Editions Using Linked Data Sets”, Complex Systems Informatics and Modeling Quarterly, ISSN 2255-9922, vol. 7, pp. 60-80.
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Goggi S., Pardelli G., Bartolini R., Frontini F., Monachini M., Manzella G., De Mattei M., and Bustaffa F. (2016) “A semantic engine for grey literature retrieval in the oceanography domain”, The Grey journal (Print), ISSN 1574-1796, published by TextRelease (Amsterdam, Paesi Bassi), vol. 12, pp. 155-161.
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Monachini M. and Frontini F. (2016) “CLARIN, l'infrastruttura europea delle risorse linguistiche per le scienze umane e sociali e il suo network italiano CLARIN-IT”, Italian Journal of Computational Linguistics, ISSN 2499-4553, published by aAccademia University Press, Torino (Italia), vol. Vol. 2, pp. 1-30.
2016 - Book chapters
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Frontini F., Del Gratta R., and Monachini M. (2016) “GeoDomainWordNet: Linking the Geonames Ontology to WordNet”, Human Language Technology. Challenges for Computer Science and Linguistics, ISBN 978-3-319-43808-5, Vetulani Z., Uszkoreit H., and Kubis M. (eds.), vol. 9561, pp. 229-242.
2016 - Edited volumes
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Khan F., Vintar Š., León Araúz P., Faber P., Frontini F., Parvizi A., Grčić Simeunović L., and Unger C. (eds.) (2016) “Language and Ontology (LangOnto2) & Terminology and Knowledge Structures (TermiKS)”.
2016 - Conference papers
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Brando C., Abadie N., and Frontini F. (2016) “Linked Data Quality for Domain-Specific Named-Entity Linking”, Atelier-Qualité des Données du Web (QLOD'16) Joint à la 16ème édition de la conférence internationale francophone EGC 2016, Reims, 19/01/2016, pp. 13-24.
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Del Gratta R., Frontini F., Monachini M., Pardelli G., Russo I., Bartolini R., Khan F., Soria C., and Calzolari N. (2016) “LREC as a Graph: People and Resources in a Network”, ISBN 978-2-9517408-9-1, Tenth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC 2016), Portoroz, Slovenia, 23-28 may, Calzolari N., Choukri K., Declerck T., Goggi S., Grobelnik M., Maegaard B., Mariani J., Mazo H., Moreno A., Odijk J., and Piperidis S. (eds.), published by European Language Resources Association ELRA (Paris, FRA), pp. 2529-2532.
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Goggi S., Pardelli G., Bartolini R., Frontini F., Monachini M., Manzella G., De Mattei M., and Bustaffa F. (2016) “A semantic engine for grey literature retrieval in the oceanography domain”, ISBN 978-90-77484-27-2, Seventeenth International Conference on Grey Literature. A New Wave of Textual and Non-Textual Grey Literature, Amsterdam, December 1st-2nd 2015, Farace D. and Frantzen J. (eds.), vol. 17, pp. 104-111.
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Nahli O., Frontini F., Monachini M., Khan F., Zarghili A., and Khalfi M. (2016) “Al Qamus al Muhit, a Medieval Arabic Lexicon in LMF”, ISBN 978-2-9517408-9-1, Tenth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC 2016), Portoroz, Slovenia, 23-28 may, Calzolari N., Choukri K., Declerck T., Goggi S., Grobelnik M., Maegaard B., Mariani J., Mazo H., Moreno A., Odijk J., and Piperidis S. (eds.), published by European Language Resources Association ELRA (Paris, FRA), pp. 943-950.
2016 - Conference contributions
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Frontini F., Carmen B., and Ganascia J. G. (2016) “REDEN ONLINE: Disambiguation, Linking and Visualisation of References in TEI Digital Editions”, Digital Humanities 2016: Conference Abstracts, Digital Humanities 2016, Jagiellonian University & Pedagogical University, Kraków, 11-16/07/2016.
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Manzella G. M. R., Bartolini R., Bustaffa F., D'Angelo P., De Mattei M., Frontini F., Maltese M., Medone D., Monachini M., Novellino A., and Spada A. (2016) “Marine Planning and Service Platform: Specific Ontology Based semantic Search Engine Serving Data Management and Sustainable Development”, Geophysical research abstracts (Online), ISSN 1607-7962, European Geosciences Union General Assembly (EGU 2016), Vienna, Austria, 17-22 aprile 2016, published by Copernicus GmbH (Katlenburg-Lindau, Germania), vol. 18, 2 pages.
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Monachini M., Enea A., and Frontini F. (2016) “CLARIN-IT: servizi per la comunità italiana delle scienze umane e sociali”, CLARIN-IT @ IDEM Day 2016, Roma [Università degli Studi di Roma Tre], 6-8 giugno 2016.
2015 - Journal articles
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Del Gratta R., Frontini F., Khan F., and Monachini M. (2015) “Converting the PAROLE SIMPLE CLIPS Lexicon into RDF with lemon”, Semantic web (Print), ISSN 1570-0844, published by IOS Press (Amsterdam, Paesi Bassi), vol. 6, pp. 387-392.
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Goggi S., Monachini M., Frontini F., Bartolini R., Pardelli G., De Mattei M., Bustaffa F., and Manzella G. (2015) “Marine Planning and Service Platform (MAPS) An Advanced Research Engine for Grey Literature in Marine Science”, The Grey journal (Print), ISSN 1574-1796, published by TextRelease (Amsterdam, Paesi Bassi), vol. 11, pp. 171-178.
2015 - Book chapters
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Brando C., Frontini F., and Ganascia J. (2015) “Disambiguation of Named Entities in Cultural Heritage Texts Using Linked Data Sets”, New Trends in Databases and Information Systems, ISBN 978-3-319-23200-3, Morzy T., Valduriez P., and Bellatreche L. (eds.), vol. 539, pp. 505-514.
2015 - Conference papers
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Brando C., Frontini F., and Ganascia J. (2015) “Linked data for toponym linking in French literary texts”, GIR '15 Proceedings of the 9th Workshop on Geographic Information Retrieval, ISSN 1933-7825, ISBN 978-1-4503-3937-7, GIR'15 9th Workshop on Geographic Information Retrieval, Paris, 26-27th November, 2015, Purves R. S. and Jones C. B. (eds.), published by Association for Computing Machinery (New York, N. Y, Stati Uniti d'America).
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Del Gratta R., Frontini F., Monachini M., Pardelli G., Russo I., Bartolini R., Goggi S., Khan F., Quochi V., Soria C., and Calzolari N. (2015) “Visualising Italian Language Resources: a Snapshot”, Proceedings of the Second Italian Conference on Computational Linguistics CLiC-it 2015, ISBN 978-88-99200-62-6, Second Italian Conference on Computational Linguistics CLiC-it 2015, Trento, 3-4 December 2015, Bosco C., Tonelli S., and Zanzotto F. M. (eds.), pp. 100-104.
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Frontini F., Boukhaled M. A., and Ganascia J. (2015) “Linguistic Pattern Extraction and Analysis for Classic French Plays”, Journée ConSciLa (Confrontations en Sciences du Langage) Grammaire des genres et des styles: quelles approches privilégier ?, Paris, 16/01/2015, 3 pages.
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Frontini F., Brando C., and Ganascia J. (2015) “Semantic Web based Named Entity Linking for Digital Humanities and Heritage Texts”, SW4SH 2015 Semantic Web for Scientific Heritage 2015, ISSN 1613-0073, SW4SH 2015 Semantic Web for Scientific Heritage 2015, Portoroz, Slovenia, June, 1st 2015, Zucker A., Draelants I., Zucker C. F., and Monnin A. (eds.), published by M. Jeusfeld c/o Redaktion Sun SITE, Informatik V, RWTH Aachen (Aachen, Germania), vol. Vol-1364, pp. 77-88.
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Frontini F., Brando C., and Ganascia J. (2015) “Domain-adapted named-entity linker using Linked Data”, Proceedings of the Workshop on NLP Applications: Completing the Puzzle, ISSN 1613-0073, Workshop on NLP Applications: Completing the Puzzle co-located with the 20th International Conference on Applications of Natural Language to Information Systems (NLDB 2015), Passau, Germany, June 17-19, 2015, Izquierdo R. (ed.), published by M. Jeusfeld c/o Redaktion Sun SITE, Informatik V, RWTH Aachen (Aachen, Germania), vol. Vol-1386, 10 pages.
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Frontini F., Quochi V., and Monachini M. (2015) “Generative Lexicon and polysemy: inducing logical alternations”, MAPLEX2015 Multiple Approaches to Lexicon Conference, Yamagata, Japan, February 9-10, 2015, Hsieh S. and Kanzaki K. (eds.), published by MAPLEX2015 Multiple Approaches to Lexicon Conference (Yamagata, JPN), 7 pages.
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Goggi S., Monachini M., Frontini F., Bartolini R., Pardelli G., De Mattei M., Bustaffa F., and Manzella G. (2015) “Marine Planning and Service Platform (MAPS): An Advanced Research Engine for Grey Literature in Marine Science”, Grey Literature Lobby: Engines and Requesters for Change, ISBN 978-90-77484-23-4, Sixteenth International Conference on Grey Literature Grey Literature Lobby: Engines and Requesters for Change, Library of Congress Washington D. C., USA, December 8-9 2014, Farace D. and Frantzen J. (eds.), published by TextRelease (Amsterdam, NLD), vol. 16, pp. 108-114.
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Khan F. and Frontini F. (2015) “Using Ontologies to Model Polysemy in Lexical Resources”, Proceedings of the Workshop on Language and Ontologies, Workshop on Language and Ontologies, London, 14/04/2015.
2015 - Conference contributions
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Frontini F. (2015) “What makes them different: the extraction of distinctive linguistic patterns for the protagonists of Molière's plays”, Cycle des séminaires ILES LIMSI, Paris, 03/02/2015.
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Frontini F. (2015) “Analyse et extraction des motifs syntaxiques dans la prose de Robert Challe et de ses apocryphes”, Robert Challe: approches numériques des questions d'auctorialité, Paris, 28/03/2015.
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Frontini F. (2015) “Mining for characterising patterns in literature using correspondence analysis: an experiment on French novels”, Göttingen Dialog in Digital Humanities, Göttingen, 14/07/2015.
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Frontini F. (2015) “Trattamento automatico del linguaggio per le Digital Humanities. Riconoscimento e disambiguazione di menzioni di autori in testi di critica letteraria”, Seminario di Cultura Digitale, Pisa, 04/11/2015.
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Frontini F. and Bénard E. (2015) “The Syntax of Stage. Studying Linguistic Patterns in Molière”, Göttinger philologisches Forum, Göttingen, Germany, 03/12/2015.
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Frontini F., Boukhaled M. A., and Ganascia J. G. (2015) “Moliere's Raisonneurs: a quantitative study of distinctive linguistic patterns”, Corpus Linguistics 2015-Abstract Book, Corpus Linguistics 2015, Lancaster, 21-24/07/2015, Formato F. and Hardie A. (eds.), pp. 114-117.
View web resources57
Goggi S., Pardelli G., Bartolini R., Frontini F., Monachini M., Manzella G., De Mattei M., and Bustaffa F. (2015) “A semantic engine for grey literature retrieval in the oceanography domain”, GL17 Program Book, ISBN 978-90-77484-26-5, Seventeenth International Conference on Grey Literature. A New Wave of Textual and Non-Textual Grey Literature, Amsterdam, December 1-2, Farace D. and Frantzen J. (eds.), vol. 17, pp. 76-77.
2014 - Conference papers
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Del Gratta R., Frontini F., Khan F., Mariani J., and Soria C. (2014) “The LREMap for Under-Resourced Languages”, Proceedings of the Workshop on Collaboration and Computing for Under-Resourced Languages in the Linked Open Data Era (CCURL 2014), Workshop on Collaboration and Computing for Under-Resourced Languages in the Linked Open Data Era (CCURL 2014), Reykjavik, 26/05/2014, Pretorius L., Soria C., and Baroni P. (eds.), pp. 78-83.
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Frontini F., Quochi V., and Monachini M. (2014) “Polysemy alternations extraction using the PAROLE SIMPLE CLIPS Italian lexicon”, ISBN 978-88-67-41472-7, Proceedings of the First Italian Conference on Computational Linguistics CLiC-it 2014 & the Fourth International Workshop EVALITA 2014, Pisa, 9-11 December 2014, Pisa, Basili R., Lenci A., and Magnini B. (eds.), published by Pisa University Press srl (Pisa, ITA), pp. 175-179.
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Frontini F., Quochi V., Padó S., Utt J., and Monachini M. (2014) “Polysemy Index for Nouns: an Experiment on Italian using the PAROLE SIMPLE CLIPS Lexical Database”, LREC 2014 Ninth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation Proceedings, ISBN 978-2-9517408-8-4, 9th International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation, LREC 2014, Reykjavik, Iceland, 26-31 may, Calzolari N., Choukri K., Declerck T., Loftsson H., Maegaard B., Mariani J., Moreno A., Odijk J., and Piperidis S. (eds.), published by European Language Resources Association ELRA (Paris, FRA), pp. 2955-2963.
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Khan F., Boschetti F., and Frontini F. (2014) “Using lemon to Model Lexical Semantic  Shift in Diachronic Lexical Resources”, Proceedings of the 3rd Workshop on Linked Data in Linguistics (LDL-2014), 3rd Workshop on Linked Data in Linguistics: Multilingual Knowledge Resources and Natural Language Processing (LDL2014), Reykjavik, May 27th, 2014, Chiarcos C., McCrae J. P., Osenova P., and Vertan C. (eds.).
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Moneglia M., Brown S., Frontini F., Gagliardi G., Khan F., Monachini M., and Panunzi A. (2014) “The IMAGACT Visual Ontology. an Extendable Multilingual Infrastructure for the Representation of Lexical Encoding of Action”, ISBN 978-2-9517408-8-4, 9th International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation, LREC 2014, Reykjavik, Iceland, 26-31 may, Calzolari N., Choukri K., Declerck T., Loftsson H., Maegaard B., Mariani J., Moreno A., Odijk J., and Piperidis S. (eds.), published by European Language Resources Association ELRA (Paris, FRA), pp. 3425-3432.
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Pallotti G., Frontini F., Affè F., Monachini M., and Ferrari S. (2014) “Presenting a System of Human-Machine Interaction for Performing Map Tasks”, ISBN 978-2-9517408-8-4, 9th International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation, LREC 2014, Reykjavik, Iceland, 2, Calzolari N., Choukri K., Declerck T., Loftsson H., Maegaard B., Mariani J., Moreno A., Odijk J., and Piperidis S. (eds.), published by European Language Resources Association ELRA (Paris, FRA), pp. 3963-3966.
2014 - Conference contributions
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Frontini F. (2014) “La mappa delle opinioni e dei sentimenti estratte dai social media”, Seminario rivolto agli alunni dell'Istituto Tecnico Economico "F. Carrara" di Lucca, organizzato dall'Istituto di Linguistica Computazionale "A. Zampolli" del CNR di Pisa, Pisa, Area della Ricerca del CNR, 31 marzo 2014.
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Goggi S., Monachini M., Frontini F., Bartolini R., Pardelli G., De Mattei M., Bustaffa F., and Manzella G. (2014) “Marine Planning and Service Platform (MAPS): An Advanced Research Engine for Grey Literature in Marine Science”, ISBN 978-90-77484-24-1, Sixteenth International Conference on Grey Literature Grey Literature Lobby: Engines and Requesters for Change, Library of Congress Washington D. C., USA, December 8-9, 2014, Farace C. B. D. and Frantzen J. (eds.), pp. 93-94.
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Khan F., Frontini F., and Monachini M. (2014) “A Model for Representing Diachronic Semantic Information in Lexico-Semantic Resources on the Semantic Web”, Greek and Latin in an age of Open Data. Open Philology Project, University of Leipzig, GERMANY, December 1-4, 2014, pp. 1-3.
2014 - Technical reports
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De Mattei M., Medone D., D'Angelo P., Monachini M., Bartolini R., and Frontini F. (2014) “MAPS: Architettura del Sistema”, pp. 1-35.
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De Mattei M., Medone D., Maltese M., Frontini F., Bartolini R., and Monachini M. (2014) “META: Report di progettazione degli algoritmi individuati”, pp. 1-19.
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Frontini F., Bartolini R., and Monachini M. (2014) “MAPS: Stato dell'Arte”, pp. 1-21.
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Frontini F., Bartolini R., and Monachini M. (2014) “META:-Report sui modelli e tecniche linguistiche”, pp. 1-20.
View web resources71
Frontini F., Bartolini R., Monachini M., Pardelli G., and Goggi S. (2014) “Stato dell'arte dei motori semantici. Progetto MAPS, programma operativo regionale POR-FESR (2007-2013)”, pp. 1-22.
2013 - Conference papers
View web resources72
Frontini F., Del Gratta R., and Monachini M. (2013) “Linking the Geonames ontology to WordNet”, Human Language Technologies as a Challenge for Computer Science and Linguistics. Proceedings, 6th Language & Technology Conference, December 7-9, 2013, Poznañ, Poland, ISBN 978-2-9517408-8-4, 6th Language & Technology Conference: Human Language Technologies as a Challenge for Computer Science and Linguistics, Poznan, Poland, December 7-9, 2013, Vetulani Z. and Uszkoreit H. (eds.), published by Fundacja Uniwersytetu im A. Mickiewicza (Poznan, POL), pp. 263-267.
View web resources73
Marchetti A., Tesconi M., Abbate S., Lo Duca A., D'Errico A., Frontini F., and Monachini M. (2013) “Tour-pedia: a web application for the analysis and visualization of opinions for tourism domain”, ISBN 978-83-932640-4-9, 6th Language & Technology Conference: Human Language Technologies as a Challenge for Computer Science and Linguistics, Poznan, Poland, December 7-9, 2013, Vetulani Z. and Uszkoreit H. (eds.), published by Fundacja Uniwersytetu im A. Mickiewicza (Poznan, POL), pp. 594-595.
View web resources74
Moneglia M., Panunzi A., Gagliardi G., Monachini M., Russo I., De Felice I., Khan F., and Frontini F. (2013) “IMAGACT E-learning Platform for Basic Action Types. In: Pixel (ed.), Proceedings of the 6th International Conference ICT for Language Learning”, Conference Proceedings. ICT for Language Learning, ISBN 978-88-6292-423-8, International Conference "ICT for Language Learning", 6th edition, Florence, Italy, 14-15 november 2013, Pixel (ed.), published by libreriauniversitaria. it (Limena, ITA), pp. 85-89.
View web resources75
Russo I., De Felice I., Frontini F., Khan F., and Monachini M. (2013) “(Fore)seeing actions in objects. Acquiring distinctive affordances from language”, Proceedings of NLPCS 2013-10th International Workshop on Natural Language Processing and Cognitive Science, NLPCS 2013-10th International Workshop on Natural Language Processing and Cognitive Science, Marseille, 15-17/10/2013, Sharp B. and Zock M. (eds.), pp. 151-161.
View web resources76
Russo I., Frontini F., De Felice I., Khan F., and Monachini M. (2013) “Disambiguation of Basic Action Types through Nouns' Telic Qualia”, Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Generative Approaches to the Lexicon. Generative Lexicon and Distributional Semantics, ISBN 978-1-937284-98-5, 6th International Conference on Generative Approaches to the Lexicon Generative Lexicon and Distributional Semantics, Pisa, Italy, 24-25/09/2013, Saurí R., Calzolari N., Huang C., Lenci A., Monachini M., and Pustejovsky J. (eds.), published by Association for Computational Linguistics (Stroudsburg, USA), pp. 70-75.
2012 - Conference papers
View web resources77
Caselli T., Frontini F., Quochi V., Rubino F., and Russo I. (2012) “Flexible Acquisition of Subcategorization Frames in Italian”, Proceedings of the Eight International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC'12), ISBN 9782951740877, Eight International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC'12), Istanbul, Turkey, 23-25 Maggio 2012, Calzolari N., Choukri K., Declerck T., Doğan M. U., Maegaard B., Mariani J., Odijk J., and Piperidis S. (eds.), published by European Language Resources Association ELRA (Paris, FRA), pp. 2842-2848.
View web resources78
Del Gratta R., Frontini F., Monachini M., Quochi V., Rubino F., Abrate M., and Lo Duca A. (2012) “L-LEME: an Automatic Lexical Merger based on the LMF Standard”, Proceedings of the LREC 2012 Workshop on Language Resource Merging, ISBN 978-2-9517408-7-7, The Eight International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC) 2012, Istanbul, Turkey, 2012, Bel N., Gavrilidou M., Monachini M., Quochi V., and Rimell L. (eds.), pp. 31-40.
View web resources79
Del Gratta R., Frontini F., Rubino F., Russo I., and Calzolari N. (2012) “The Language Library: supporting community effort for collective resource production”, The Eight International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC'12), Istanbul, Turkey, 23-25 may 2012, pp. 43-49.
View web resources80
Frontini F., Aliprandi C., Bacciu C., Bartolini R., Marchetti A., Parenti E., Piccinonno F., and Soru T. (2012) “GLOSS, an infrastructure for the semantic annotation and mining of documents in the public security domain”, ISBN 978-2-9517408-7-7, Eight International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation. LREC'12. European Language Resources Association: France, Istanbul, 21-27/05/2012, published by European language resources association (ELRA) (Paris, FRA), pp. 21-25.
View web resources81
Frontini F., Quochi V., and Rubino F. (2012) “Automatic Creation of Quality Multi-Word Lexica from Noisy Text Data”, Proceedings of the Sixth Workshop on Analytics for Noisy Unstructured Text Data, ISBN 978-1-4503-1919-5, AND 2012, Mumbai, India, December 9, 2012, published by ACM, Association for computing machinery (New York, USA).
View web resources82
Gavrilidou M., Labropoulou P., Desipri E., Piperidis S., Papageorgiou H., Monachini M., Frontini F., Declerck T., Francopoulo G., Arranz V., and Mapelli V. (2012) “The META-SHARE Metadata Schema for the Description of Language Resources”, ISBN 978-2-9517408-7-7, The Eight International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC'12), Istanbul, Turkey, 23-25 may 2012, pp. 1090-1097.
View web resources83
Monachini M., Frontini F., De Felice I., Russo I., Khan F., Gagliardi G., and Panunzi A. (2012) “Verb interpretation for basic action types: annotation, ontology induction and creation of prototypical scenes”, COLING 2012-3rd Workshop on Cognitive Aspects of the Lexicon (CogALex-III), Mumbai, India, 15 Dicembre 2012, pp. 69-80.
View web resources84
Moneglia M., Gagliardi G., Panunzi A., Frontini F., Russo I., and Monachini M. (2012) “IMAGACT: Deriving an Action Ontology from Spoken Corpora”, Proceedings of the Eight Joint ISO-ACL SIGSEM Workshop on Interoperable Semantic Annotation ISA-8, ISBN 978-90-74029-00-1, Eighth Joint ISO-ACL SIGSEM Workshop on Interoperable Semantic Annotation (ISA-8), Pisa, Italy, 3-5 October 2012, Bunt H. (ed.), pp. 42-47.
View web resources85
Moneglia M., Monachini M., Calabrese O., Panunzi A., Frontini F., Gagliardi G., and Russo I. (2012) “The IMAGACT Cross-linguistic Ontology of Action. A new infrastructure for natural language disambiguation”, ISBN 978-2-9517408-7-7, The Eight International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC'12), Istanbul, Turkey, 23-25 may 2012, pp. 2606-2613.
View web resources86
Moneglia M., Monachini M., Panunzi A., Frontini F., Gagliardi G., and Russo I. (2012) “Mapping a corpusinduced ontology of action verbs on ItalWordNet”, Proceedings of the 6th Global WordNet Conference (GWC2012), ISBN 978-80-263-0244-5, Global Wordnet Conference (GWC2012), Matsue, Japan, 9-13 January 2012, Fellbaum C. and Vossen P. (eds.), pp. 219-226.
View web resources87
Quochi V., Frontini F., and Rubino F. (2012) “A MWE Acquisition and Lexicon Builder Web Service”, Proceedings of COLING 2012: Technical Papers, ISBN 9781627483896, International Conference on Computational Linguistics (COLING), Mumbai, India, December 2012, Kay M. and Boitet C. (eds.), published by Curran Associates (Red Hook, NY 12571, USA), pp. 2291-2306.
View web resources88
Rubino F., Frontini F., and Quochi V. (2012) “Integrating NLP Tools in a Distributed Environment: A Case Study Chaining a Tagger with a Dependency Parser”, Proceedings of the Eight International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC'12), ISBN 9782951740877, Language Resources and Evaluation Conference 2012, Istanbul, Turchia, 23-25 Maggio 2012, Calzolari N., Choukri K., Declerck T., Doğan M. U., Maegaard B., Mariani J., Odijk J., and Piperidis S. (eds.), published by European language resources association (ELRA) (Paris, FRA), pp. 2125-2131.
2012 - Conference contributions
View web resources89
Abrate M., Bacciu C., Frontini F., Lapolla M. N., Marchetti A., and Monachini M. (2012) “Web Language Identification Testing Tool”, The Multilingual Web-the Way Ahead, Luxembourg, 15-16 March 2012.
View web resources90
Frontini F., Monachini M., Lapolla M. N., Marchetti A., Abrate M., and Bacciu C. (2012) “Web Language Identification Testing Tool”, W3C Workshop, Call for Participation: The Multilingual Web-The Way Ahead, Luxembourg, 15-16/03/2012, pp. 1-1.
2012 - Technical reports
View web resources91
Aliprandi C., Bacciu C., Bartolini R., Frontini F., Lapolla N., Marchetti A., Piccinonno F., and Soru T. (2012) “Specifiche architetturali e funzionali”.
View web resources92
Prokopidis P., Papavassiliou V., Toral A., Poch Riera M., Frontini F., Rubino F., and Thurmair G. (2012) “D4. 5 Final Report on the Corpus Acquisition & Annotation subsystem and its components”.
View web resources93
Quochi V., Frontini F., Bartolini R., Hamon O., Poch Riera M., Padro M., Bel N., Thurmair G., Toral A., and Kamran A. (2012) “D7. 4 Third evaluation report. Evaluation of PANACEA v3 and produced resources”.
View web resources94
Rimell L., Bel N., Padró M., Frontini F., Monachini M., and Quochi V. (2012) “D6. 2 Integrated Final Version of the Components for Lexical Acquisition”.
View web resources95
Rimell L., Bel N., Padró M., Frontini F., Monachini M., Quochi V., and Del Gratta R. (2012) “D6. 5 Merged dictionaries”.
View web resources96
Rimell L., Bel N., Padrò M., Frontini F., Monachini M., Quochi V., and Del Gratta R. (2012) “D6. 3 Monolingual lexica for English, Spanish and Italian tuned for a particular domain (LAB and ENV)”.
2011 - Conference papers
View web resources97
Calzolari N., Del Gratta R., Frontini F., and Russo I. (2011) “The Language Library: Many Layers, More Knowledge”, ISBN 978-974-466-564-5, Workshop on Language Resources, Technology and Services in the Sharing Paradigm, Chiang Mai, 12 Novembre 2011, pp. 93-97.
View web resources98
Frontini F., Monachini M., Gavrilidou M., Labropoulou P., Piperidis S., Francopoulo G., Arranz V., and Mapelli V. (2011) “A Metadata Schema for the Description ofLanguage Resources (LRs)”, ISBN 978-974-466-564-5, Workshop on Language Resources, Technology and Services in the Sharing Paradigm, Chiang Mai, 12 Novembre 2011, pp. 84-92.
2011 - Conference contributions
View web resources99
Frontini F. and Monachini M. (2011) “Towards interfacing lexical and ontological resources”, ONTOLOGIES AND LEXICAL SEMANTICS, Roma, 01 Ottobre 2011, 26 pages.
2011 - Technical reports
View web resources100
Arranz V., Bel N., Budin G., Caselli T., Choukri K., Del Gratta R., Frontini F., Goggi S., Monachini M., Quochi V., Rubino F., and Russo I. (2011) “The FLaReNet Databook”, pp. 1-8.
View web resources101
Desipri E., Gavrilidou M., Labropoulou P., Piperidis S., Frontini F., Monachini M., Arranz V., Mapelli V., Francopoulo G., and Declerck T. (2011) “Documentation and User Manual of the META-SHARE Metadata Model”, 150 pages.
View web resources102
Monachini M., Frontini F., and Soria C. (2011) “KYOTO-LMF WordNet Representation Format”, 32 pages.
View web resources103
Prokopidis P., Papavassiliou V., Toral A., Riera M. P., Frontini F., Rubino F., and Thurmair G. (2011) “WP-4. 4: Report on the revised Corpus Acquisition & Annotation subsystem and its components”.
View web resources104
Prokopidis P., Papavassiliou V., Toral A., Riera M. P., Frontini F., Rubino F., and Thurmair G. (2011) “WP-4. 5: Final Report on the Corpus Acquisition & Annotation subsystem and its components”.
View web resources105
Vossen P., Bosma W., Rigau G., Agirre E., Soroa A., Aliprandi C., De Jonge J., Hielkema F., Monachini M., Bartolini R., and Frontini F. (2011) “KyotoCore: integrated system for knowledge mining from text”, 56 pages.
2010 - Book chapters
View web resources106
Jezek E. and Frontini F. (2010) “From Pattern Dictionary to Patternbank”, A Way with Words: Recent Advances in Lexical Theory and Analysis, De Schryver G. (ed.), pp. 215-237.
2010 - Conference contributions
View web resources107
Frontini F. (2010) “Statistical profiling of Italian L2 texts: competence and native language”, 20th Annual Conference of the European Second Language Association, Reggio Emilia, 2010.
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