Irene Russo

Qualification: Researcher

Venue: Pisa

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2021 - Journal articles
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Salvati L. and Russo I. (2021) “Indicatori di complessità nel parlato degli insegnanti di italiano L2: un'analisi quantitativa”, Italiano linguadue, ISSN 2037-3597, published by Università degli Studi di Milano (Milano, Italia), vol. 13, pp. 122-132.
2019 - Journal articles
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Sauri R., Mahon L., Russo I., and Bitinis M. (2019) “Cross-dictionary linking at sense level with a double-layer classifier”, Open access series in informatics, ISSN 2190-6807, published by Schloss Dagstuhl, Leibniz-Zentrum für Informatik (Wadern, Germania), vol. 70.
2019 - Book chapters
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Russo I., Marconi L., Cutugno P., and Monachini M. (2019) “Le parole sono ponti: risorse digitali per l'integrazione in contesti multilingue”, Linguaggi, ricerca, comunicazione. Focus CNR, ISBN 9788880803775, Cadeddu M. E. and Marras C. (eds.), published by Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (Roma, ITA), vol. I, pp. 127-136.
2018 - Journal articles
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Goggi S., Pardelli G., Russo I., Bartolini R., and Monachini M. (2018) “Providing Access to Grey Literature: The CLARIN Infrastructure”, The Grey journal (Print), ISSN 1574-1796, published by TextRelease (Amsterdam, Paesi Bassi), vol. 14, pp. 87-93.
2018 - Conference papers
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Goggi S., Pardelli G., Russo I., Bartolini R., and Monachini M. (2018) “Providing Access to Grey Literature: The CLARIN Infrastructure”, Nineteenth International Conference on Grey Literature "Public Awareness and Access to Grey Literature", ISBN 978-90-77484-31-9, Nineteenth International Conference on Grey Literature, GL19, Roma, October 23-24, 2017, Farace D. and Frantzen J. (eds.), published by TextRelease (Amsterdam, NLD), vol. 19, pp. 93-99.
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Soria C., Quochi V., and Russo I. (2018) “The DLDP Survey on Digital Use and Usability of EU Regional and Minority Languages”, Proceedings of the Eleventh International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC 2018), ISBN 979-10-95546-00-9, Eleventh International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC 2018), Miyazaki, Japan, 7-12/05/2018, Calzolari N., Choukri K., Cieri C., Declerck T., Goggi S., Hasida K., Isahara H., Maegaard B., Mariani J., Mazo H., Moreno A., Odijk J., Piperidis S., and Tokunaga T. (eds.), published by European Language Resources Association ELRA (Paris, FRA), pp. 4155-4160.
2018 - Technical reports
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Baroni P., Quochi V., Russo I., Soria C., Ceberio B. K., Gurrutxaga H. A., Hicks D., Kruse E., Salonen T., and Sarhimaa A. (2018) “Kit per la sopravvivenza digitale della lingua sarda-Le raccomandazioni del progetto DLDP per migliorare la vitalità digitale della lingua sarda”, 12 pages.
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Ceberio B. K., Gurrutxaga H. A., Baroni P., Hicks D., Kruse E., Quochi V., Russo I., Salonen T., Sarhimaa A., and Soria C. (2018) “Euskarak Mundu Digitalean Bizirauteko Kita-DLDPren gomendioak, euskararen bizitasun digitala hobetu dadin”, 27 pages.
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Ceberio B. K., Gurrutxaga H. A., Baroni P., Hicks D., Kruse E., Quochi V., Russo I., Salonen T., Sarhimaa A., and Soria C. (2018) “Kit de Supervivencia Lingüística Digital del Euskera-Recomendaciones del DLDP para mejorar la Vitalidad Digital del euskera”, 28 pages.
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Ceberio B. K., Gurrutxaga H. A., Baroni P., Hicks D., Kruse E., Quochi V., Russo I., Salonen T., Sarhimaa A., and Soria C. (2018) “The DLDP Digital Language Survival Kit”, 38 pages.
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Hicks D., Baroni P., Ceberio B. K., Gurrutxaga H. A., Kruse E., Quochi V., Russo I., Salonen T., Sarhimaa A., and Soria C. (2018) “The DLDP Roadmap”, 19 pages.
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Hicks D., Baroni P., Ceberio B. K., Gurrutxaga H. A., Kruse E., Quochi V., Russo I., Salonen T., Sarhimaa A., and Soria C. (2018) “The DLDP Roadmap-Policy Recommendations & Timeline”, 6 pages.
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Hicks D., Baroni P., Ceberio B. K., Gurrutxaga H. A., Kruse E., Quochi V., Russo I., Salonen T., Sarhimaa A., and Soria C. (2018) “DLDP etenemissuunnitelma-Toimenpidesuunnitelmat ja aikajana”, 6 pages.
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Hicks D., Baroni P., Ceberio B. K., Gurrutxaga H. A., Kruse E., Quochi V., Russo I., Salonen T., Sarhimaa A., and Soria C. (2018) “La DLDP Hoja de Ruta-Políticas recomendadas & Cronograma”, 6 pages.
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Hicks D., Baroni P., Ceberio B. K., Gurrutxaga H. A., Kruse E., Quochi V., Russo I., Salonen T., Sarhimaa A., and Soria C. (2018) “Diversità Linguistica Digitale: la Roadmap-Raccomandazioni strategiche & Sequenza”, 6 pages.
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Hicks D., Baroni P., Ceberio B. K., Gurrutxaga H. A., Kruse E., Quochi V., Russo I., Salonen T., Sarhimaa A., and Soria C. (2018) “DLDP Bide Orria-Gomendatutako politikak & Kronograma”, 6 pages.
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Hicks D., Baroni P., Ceberio B. K., Gurrutxaga H. A., Kruse E., Quochi V., Russo I., Salonen T., Sarhimaa A., and Soria C. (2018) “Die DLDP Roadmap-Strategieempfehlungen & Zeitplan”, 6 pages.
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Hicks D., Baroni P., Ceberio B. K., Gurrutxaga H. A., Kruse E., Quochi V., Russo I., Salonen T., Sarhimaa A., and Soria C. (2018) “La Roadmap DLDP-Recommandations de politique et calendrier”, 6 pages.
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Hicks D., Soria C., Baroni P., Ceberio B. K., Gurrutxaga H. A., Kruse E., Quochi V., Russo I., Salonen T., and Sarhimaa A. (2018) “Pak treuzveviñ ar Brezhoneg niverel-Erbedoù an DLDP evit gwellaat buhezegezh niverel ar brezhoneg”.
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Hicks D., Soria C., Baroni P., Ceberio B. K., Gurrutxaga H. A., Kruse E., Quochi V., Russo I., Salonen T., and Sarhimaa A. (2018) “Kit de survie numerique pour la langue bretonne-Les recommandations du DLDP pour améliorer la vitalité numérique du Breton”.
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Salonen T., Baroni P., Ceberio B. K., Gurrutxaga H. A., Hicks D., Kruse E., Quochi V., Russo I., Sarhimaa A., and Soria C. (2018) “Karjalan digitaalinen kielenselviytymispakkaus-DLDP-suositukset karjalan kielen digitaalisen elinvoimaisuuden parantamiseksi”.
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Salonen T., Baroni P., Ceberio B. K., Gurrutxaga H. A., Hicks D., Kruse E., Quochi V., Russo I., Sarhimaa A., and Soria C. (2018) “Karjalan digitualine hengihjiämispakkavus-DLDP-rekomendatsiet karjalan kielen digitualizen elinvoimazuon kohendamizeh”, 12 pages.
2018 - Miscellanea
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Ceberio K., Gurrutxaga A., Soria C., Russo I., and Quochi V. (2018) “How to Use the Digital Language Vitality Scale”, 18 pages.
2017 - Book chapters
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Coppola D., Moretti R., Russo I., and Tranchida F. (2017) “In quante lingue mangi? Tecniche glottodidattiche e language testing in classi plurilingui e ad abilità differenziata”, Strutture linguistiche e dati empirici in diacronia e sincronia, ISBN 978-88-6741-789-6, Marotta G. and Lievers F. S. (eds.), published by Pisa University Press (Pisa, ITA), pp. 199-231.
2017 - Edited volumes
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Soria C., Russo I., and Quochi V. (eds.) (2017) “Reports on Digital Language Diversity in Europe”.
2017 - Conference papers
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Pardelli G., Goggi S., Bartolini R., Russo I., and Monachini M. (2017) “A Geographical Visualization of GL Communities: A Snapshot”, GL18 Conference Proceedings Eighteenth International Conference on Grey Literature: Leveraging Diversity in Grey Literature, ISBN 978-90-77484-30-2, Eighteenth International Conference on Grey Literature: Leveraging Diversity in Grey Literature, Washington, November 28-29, 2016, Farace D. and Frantzen J. (eds.), published by TextRelease (Amsterdam, NLD), vol. 18, pp. 109-113.
2017 - Conference contributions
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Bartolini R., Goggi S., Pardelli G., Russo I., Farace D., and Frantzen J. (2017) “Data Visualization of a Grey Literature Community: A Cooperative Project”, Nineteenth International Conference on Grey Literature Public Awareness and Access to Grey Literature. Program Book, ISBN 978-90-77484-32-6, Nineteenth International Conference on Grey Literature, GL19, Rome, National Research Council, CNR, October 23-24, 2017, Farace D. and Frantzen J. (eds.), vol. 19, pp. 63-63.
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Goggi S., Pardelli G., Russo I., Bartolini R., and Monachini M. (2017) “Providing Access to Grey Literature: The CLARIN Infrastructure”, Nineteenth International Conference on Grey Literature Public Awareness and Access to Grey Literature. Program Book, ISBN 978-90-77484-32-6, Nineteenth International Conference on Grey Literature, GL19, Rome, National Research Council, CNR, October 23-24, 2017, Farace D. and Frantzen J. (eds.), vol. 19, pp. 60-62.
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Russo I. and Soria C. (2017) “Digital Language Diversity on New Media: the DLDP Survey about European Minority Languages Speakers”, BAAL-Cambridge University Press Seminar on Minority Languages in New Media, 27-28/4/2017.
2017 - Technical reports
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Russo I. and Soria C. (2017) “Sardinian-a digital language?”.
2016 - Conference papers
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Del Gratta R., Frontini F., Monachini M., Pardelli G., Russo I., Bartolini R., Khan F., Soria C., and Calzolari N. (2016) “LREC as a Graph: People and Resources in a Network”, ISBN 978-2-9517408-9-1, Tenth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC 2016), Portoroz, Slovenia, 23-28 may, Calzolari N., Choukri K., Declerck T., Goggi S., Grobelnik M., Maegaard B., Mariani J., Mazo H., Moreno A., Odijk J., and Piperidis S. (eds.), published by European Language Resources Association ELRA (Paris, FRA), pp. 2529-2532.
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Russo I. and Monachini M. (2016) “Samskara minimal structural features for detecting subjectivity and polarity in Italian tweets”, CEUR workshop proceedings, ISSN 1613-0073, Fifth Evaluation Campaign of Natural Language Processing and Speech Tools for Italian. Final Workshop EVALITA 2016, Napoli, 7/12/2016, published by M. Jeusfeld c/o Redaktion Sun SITE, Informatik V, RWTH Aachen (Aachen, Germania), vol. 1749.
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Soria C., Russo I., Quochi V., Hicks D., Gurrutxaga A., Sarhimaa A., and Tuomisto M. (2016) “Fostering digital representation of EU regional and minority languages: the Digital Language Diversity Project”, ISBN 978-2-9517408-9-1, Tenth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC 2016), Portoroz, Slovenia, 23-28 may, published by European Language Resources Association ELRA (Paris, FRA), pp. 3256-3260.
2016 - Conference contributions
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Pardelli G., Goggi S., Monachini M., Bartolini R., and Russo I. (2016) “A Geographical Visualization of GL Community: a Snapshot”, GL18 Program Book, ISBN 978-90-77484-29-6, Eighteenth International Conference on Grey Literature: Leveraging Diversity in Grey Literature, New York, November 28-29, 2016, Farace D. and Frantzen J. (eds.), vol. 18, pp. 67-67.
2015 - Conference papers
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Del Gratta R., Frontini F., Monachini M., Pardelli G., Russo I., Bartolini R., Goggi S., Khan F., Quochi V., Soria C., and Calzolari N. (2015) “Visualising Italian Language Resources: a Snapshot”, Proceedings of the Second Italian Conference on Computational Linguistics CLiC-it 2015, ISBN 978-88-99200-62-6, Second Italian Conference on Computational Linguistics CLiC-it 2015, Trento, 3-4 December 2015, Bosco C., Tonelli S., and Zanzotto F. M. (eds.), pp. 100-104.
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Russo I., Caselli T., and Monachini M. (2015) “Extracting and Visualising Biographical Events from Wikipedia”, BD2015 Biographical Data in a Digital World 2015, BD2015 Biographical Data in a Digital World 2015, Amsterdam, April 9, 2015, Braake S. T., Fokkens A., Sluijter R., Declerck T., and Wandl Vogt E. (eds.), vol. Vol-1399, pp. 111-115.
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Russo I., Caselli T., and Strapparava C. (2015) “SemEval-2015 Task 9: CLIPEval Implicit Polarity of Events”, ISBN 978-1-941643-40-2, Proceedings of SemEval-2015, Denver, Colorado, USA, giugno 4-5, 2015, pp. 443-450.
2014 - Book chapters
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Russo I. and Caselli T. (2014) “Converging evidences on the eventivity of Italian nouns”, Meaning, frames, and conceptual representation, ISBN 978-3-943460-87-2, Gamerschlag T., Gerland D., Osswald R., and Wiebke P. (eds.), published by Düsseldorf University Press (Düsseldorf, DEU), pp. 179-200.
2014 - Conference papers
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Bartolini R., Quochi V., De Felice I., Russo I., and Monachini M. (2014) “From Synsets to Videos: Enriching ItalWordNet Multimodally”, ISBN 978-2-9517408-8-4, LREC 2014. European Language Resources Association ELRA: Paris (Francia), Reykjavik, Iceland, 26-31 may, Calzolari N., Choukri K., Declerck T., Loftsson H., Maegaard B., Mariani J., Moreno A., Odijk J., and Piperidis S. (eds.), published by European Language Resources Association ELRA (Paris, FRA), pp. 3110-3117.
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De Felice I., Bartolini R., Russo I., Quochi V., and Monachini M. (2014) “Evaluating ImagAct-WordNet mapping for English and Italian through videos”, ISBN 978-88-67-41472-7, Proceedings of the First Italian Conference on Computational Linguistics CLiC-it 2014 & the Fourth International Workshop EVALITA 2014. Pisa University Press srl: Pisa (Italia), Pisa, 9-11 December 2014, Pisa, Basili R., Lenci A., and Magnini B. (eds.), published by Pisa University Press srl (Pisa, ITA), pp. 128-131.
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Panunzi A., De Felice I., Gregori L., Jacoviello S., Monachini M., Moneglia M., Quochi V., and Russo I. (2014) “Translating action verbs using a dictionary of images: the IMAGACT ontology”, Proceedings of the XVI EURALEX International Congress: The User in Focus, ISBN 978-88-88906-97-3, XVI EURALEX International Congress: The User in Focus, Bolzano, 15-19/07/2014, Abel A., Vettori C., and Ralli N. (eds.), published by EURAC (Bolzano, ITA), pp. 1163-1170.
2013 - Conference papers
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Moneglia M., Panunzi A., Gagliardi G., Monachini M., Russo I., De Felice I., Khan F., and Frontini F. (2013) “IMAGACT E-learning Platform for Basic Action Types. In: Pixel (ed.), Proceedings of the 6th International Conference ICT for Language Learning”, Conference Proceedings. ICT for Language Learning, ISBN 978-88-6292-423-8, International Conference "ICT for Language Learning", 6th edition, Florence, Italy, 14-15 november 2013, Pixel (ed.), published by libreriauniversitaria. it (Limena, ITA), pp. 85-89.
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Russo I. and Caselli T. (2013) “Changeable Polarity of Verbs through Emotions' Attribution in Crowdsourcing Experiments”, Proceedings of the First International Workshop on Emotion and Sentiment in Social and Expressive Media: approaches and perspectives from AI (ESSEM 2013) A workshop of the XIII International Conference of the Italian Association for Artificial Intelligence (AI*IA 2013), First International Workshop on Emotion and Sentiment in Social and Expressive Media: approaches and perspectives from AI (ESSEM 2013) A workshop of the XIII International Conference of the Italian Association for Artificial Intelligence (AI*IA 2013), Torino, 3 dicembre, Battaglino, C., Bosco, C., Cambria, E., Damiano, R., Patti, V., Rosso, and P. (eds.), pp. 131-139.
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Russo I., De Felice I., Frontini F., Khan F., and Monachini M. (2013) “(Fore)seeing actions in objects. Acquiring distinctive affordances from language”, Proceedings of NLPCS 2013-10th International Workshop on Natural Language Processing and Cognitive Science, NLPCS 2013-10th International Workshop on Natural Language Processing and Cognitive Science, Marseille, 15-17/10/2013, Sharp B. and Zock M. (eds.), pp. 151-161.
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Russo I., Frontini F., De Felice I., Khan F., and Monachini M. (2013) “Disambiguation of Basic Action Types through Nouns' Telic Qualia”, Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Generative Approaches to the Lexicon. Generative Lexicon and Distributional Semantics, ISBN 978-1-937284-98-5, 6th International Conference on Generative Approaches to the Lexicon Generative Lexicon and Distributional Semantics, Pisa, Italy, 24-25/09/2013, Saurí R., Calzolari N., Huang C., Lenci A., Monachini M., and Pustejovsky J. (eds.), published by Association for Computational Linguistics (Stroudsburg, USA), pp. 70-75.
2012 - Journal articles
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Russo I., Caselli T., and Rubino F. (2012) “Recognizing deverbal events in context”, International journal of computational linguistics and applications, ISSN 0976-0962, published by Bahri Publications (New Delhi, India), vol. 2, pp. 91-103.
2012 - Conference papers
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Calzolari N., Del Gratta R., Francopoulo G., Mariani J., Rubino F., Russo I., and Soria C. (2012) “The LRE Map. Harmonising Community Descriptions of Resources”, Proceedings of LREC'12-The Eight International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation, ISBN 978-2-9517408-7-7, The Eight International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC'12), Istanbul, Turkey, 23-25 May 2012, Calzolari E. N., Choukri K., Declerck T., Doğan M. U., Maegaard B., Mariani J., Idijk J., and Piperidis S. (eds.), pp. 1084-1089.
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Caselli T., Frontini F., Quochi V., Rubino F., and Russo I. (2012) “Flexible Acquisition of Subcategorization Frames in Italian”, Proceedings of the Eight International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC'12), ISBN 9782951740877, Eight International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC'12), Istanbul, Turkey, 23-25 Maggio 2012, Calzolari N., Choukri K., Declerck T., Doğan M. U., Maegaard B., Mariani J., Odijk J., and Piperidis S. (eds.), published by European Language Resources Association ELRA (Paris, FRA), pp. 2842-2848.
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Caselli T., Russo I., and Rubino F. (2012) “Assigning Connotation Values to Events”, Eight International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation Proceedings (LREC'12), Istanbul, Turkey, 21-27 maggio 2012, pp. 3082-3089.
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Del Gratta R., Frontini F., Rubino F., Russo I., and Calzolari N. (2012) “The Language Library: supporting community effort for collective resource production”, The Eight International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC'12), Istanbul, Turkey, 23-25 may 2012, pp. 43-49.
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Monachini M., Frontini F., De Felice I., Russo I., Khan F., Gagliardi G., and Panunzi A. (2012) “Verb interpretation for basic action types: annotation, ontology induction and creation of prototypical scenes”, COLING 2012-3rd Workshop on Cognitive Aspects of the Lexicon (CogALex-III), Mumbai, India, 15 Dicembre 2012, pp. 69-80.
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Moneglia M., Gagliardi G., Panunzi A., Frontini F., Russo I., and Monachini M. (2012) “IMAGACT: Deriving an Action Ontology from Spoken Corpora”, Proceedings of the Eight Joint ISO-ACL SIGSEM Workshop on Interoperable Semantic Annotation ISA-8, ISBN 978-90-74029-00-1, Eighth Joint ISO-ACL SIGSEM Workshop on Interoperable Semantic Annotation (ISA-8), Pisa, Italy, 3-5 October 2012, Bunt H. (ed.), pp. 42-47.
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Moneglia M., Monachini M., Calabrese O., Panunzi A., Frontini F., Gagliardi G., and Russo I. (2012) “The IMAGACT Cross-linguistic Ontology of Action. A new infrastructure for natural language disambiguation”, ISBN 978-2-9517408-7-7, The Eight International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC'12), Istanbul, Turkey, 23-25 may 2012, pp. 2606-2613.
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Moneglia M., Monachini M., Panunzi A., Frontini F., Gagliardi G., and Russo I. (2012) “Mapping a corpusinduced ontology of action verbs on ItalWordNet”, Proceedings of the 6th Global WordNet Conference (GWC2012), ISBN 978-80-263-0244-5, Global Wordnet Conference (GWC2012), Matsue, Japan, 9-13 January 2012, Fellbaum C. and Vossen P. (eds.), pp. 219-226.
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Russo I. (2012) “Alternanze sintattiche, classi semantiche, funzioni comunicative. La posizione dell'aggettivo nel sintagma nominale”, Linguaggio e cervello-Semantica / Language and the brain-Semantics, Atti del XLII Convegno della Società di Linguistica Italiana (Pisa, Scuola Normale Superiore, 25-27 settembre 2008), ISBN 978-88-7870-652-1, Linguaggio e cervello-Semantica / Language and the brain-Semantics, Pisa, 25-27 settembre 2008, Bambini V., Ricci I., Bertinetto P. M., and Collaboratori (eds.), pp. 2 B-9-2 B-10.
2011 - Book chapters
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Robaldo L., Caselli T., Russo I., and Grella M. (2011) “From Italian Text to TimeML Document via Dependency Parsing”, ISBN 978-3-642-19436-8, Gelbukh A. (ed.), published by Springer-Verlag (Berlin/Heidelberg, DEU), vol. 6609, pp. 177-187.
2011 - Conference papers
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Calzolari N., Del Gratta R., Frontini F., and Russo I. (2011) “The Language Library: Many Layers, More Knowledge”, ISBN 978-974-466-564-5, Workshop on Language Resources, Technology and Services in the Sharing Paradigm, Chiang Mai, 12 Novembre 2011, pp. 93-97.
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Russo I., Caselli T., Rubino F., Boldrini E., and Martínez Barco P. (2011) “EMOCause: An Easy-adaptable Approach to Extract Emotion Cause Contexts”, 2nd Workshop on Computational Approaches to Subjectivity and Sentiment Analysis, Portland, USA, 24 Giugno 2011, pp. 153-160.
2011 - Technical reports
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Arranz V., Bel N., Budin G., Caselli T., Choukri K., Del Gratta R., Frontini F., Goggi S., Monachini M., Quochi V., Rubino F., and Russo I. (2011) “The FLaReNet Databook”, pp. 1-8.
2010 - Conference papers
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Calzolari N., Soria C., Del Gratta R., Goggi S., Quochi V., Russo I., Choukri K., Mariani J., and Piperidis S. (2010) “The LREC Map of Language Resources and Technologies”, LREC'10-Seventh International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation. Proceedings, ISBN 2-9517408-6-7, LREC 2010 Seventh International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation, Valletta, Malta, 17-23 May 2010, Calzolari N., Choukri K., Maegaard B., Mariani J., Odjik J., Piperidis S., Rosner M., and Tapias D. (eds.), published by European Language Resources Association (ELRA)-Evaluations and Language resources Distribution Agency (ELDA) (Paris, FRA), pp. 949-956.
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Russo I. (2010) “Discovering Polarity for Ambiguous and Objective Adjectives through Adverbial Modification”, Seventh International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation, Valletta, Malta, 2010.
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