Type of project: National | Start date: 23/06/1999 | End date: 22/06/2001
TAL was a research project aiming at satisfying the need of Language Resources for the Italian language by creating SI-TAL (Sistema Integrato per il Trattamento Automatico del Linguaggio), a set of components integrated relating to the sector of Natural Language Processing (NLP):
- a lexical-semantic network for the Italian language (ItalWordNet);
- a corpus annotated at various linguistic levels (TreSSI);
- supporting tools for the prototyping of architectures for NLP applications (SiSSa);
- a corpus of dialogues annotated at various linguistic levels (Dialoghi Annotati);
- tools for advanced vocal interfaces (Interfacce Vocali).
Language resources were created, managed and used by various software components and were designed in order that they could be interfaced each other.
They were conceived as a common design which was able to provide answers in the communication contexts where the most urgent applications at the industrial, commercial and social strategic level were placed.
Funding programme:
Legge 46/82, art. 10
Funding body:
Ministero dell’Università e della Ricerca Scientifica e Tecnologica
Grant agreement:
Rif. 772
Project coordinator:
Consorzio Pisa Ricerche
Nicoletta Calzolari Zamorani
Simonetta Montemagni
Vito Pirrelli
Claudia Soria
Paola Baroni
Rita Marinelli
Irina Prodanof
Adriana Roventini
Alessandro Lenci
Francesca Bertagna
Francesco Barsotti
Ornella Corazzari
Stefano Molino