Description of the ISLE Work
ISLE targets the 3 areas: multilingual lexicons, natural interaction and multimodality (NIMM), and evaluation of HLT systems.
These areas were chosen not only for their relevance to the current HLT call but also for their long-term significance.
For multilingual computational lexicons, ISLE will:
- extend EAGLES work on lexical semantics, necessary to establish inter-language links;
- design standards for multilingual lexicons;
- develop a prototype tool to implement lexicon guidelines and standards;
- create exemplary EAGLES-conformant sample lexicons and tag exemplary corpora for validation purposes;
- develop standardised evaluation procedures for lexicons.
For NIMM, a rapidly innovating domain urgently requiring early standardisation, ISLE will develop guidelines for:
- the creation of NIMM data resources;
- interpretative annotation of NIMM data, including spoken dialogue in NIMM contexts;
- annotation of discourse phenomena.
For evaluation, ISLE will work on:
- quality models for machine translation systems;
- maintenance of previous guidelines - in an ISO based framework (ISO 9126, ISO 14598).
There will be intensive interaction among the groups, as several topics lie within the sphere of interest of more than one group, thus broadly-based consensus will be achieved.