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The Language Resources Roadmap

The ENABLER/ELSNET Workshop aims at predicting the future need and development of linguistic resources.
A roadmap is being created to reflect the need of resources for interesting future applications involving HLT.
As a starting point, we included (in red colour) the applications identified at the DeepThought Roadmap workshop (see corresponding roadmap) and linked up to them relevant resources.

We distinguish three lanes, one for resources, one for processing components and one for applications.
A resource is linguistic data that can be "taken" (re-used) by interpreters.
A processing component is a re-usable program that can interpret resources and that forms part of an application system.
An application is an HLT-based functionality that is of significant benefit to end users.

The roadmap is organized into milestones and relations between them.
For the joined work planned, it is essential to agree about what is a milestone and what is a relation.
Here is a proposal for how to define milestones and relations between them.

We are aware of the fact that in our start-up roadmap, we did not always stick to these guidelines, as we do not always provide all the information we should.
In particular, we did not pay much attention to the years in which the resources and the technologies will be available.
Rather we leave that open to discussion.
Only the applications depicted in red (taken over from the DeepThought Roadmap) are timed with good reason.

Will our resources "be ready in time"?
Are some applications to be delayed?

We hope that the current state of the roadmap provides a good starting point for you to feel inspired to send us your comments and suggestions using the Forum.
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