The essentials of EAGLES
The Expert Advisory Group on Language Engineering Standards
(EAGLES) is an initiative of the European Commission, within DG XIII Linguistic Research and Engineering programme,
which aims to accelerate the provision of standards for:
- Very large-scale language resources (such as text corpora,
computational lexicons and speech corpora);
- Means of manipulating such knowledge, via computational
linguistic formalisms, mark up languages and various software
- Means of assessing and evaluating resources, tools and
Numerous well-known companies, research centres, universities
and professional bodies across the European Union are collaborating
under the aegis of EC DGXIII to produce the EAGLES Guidelines
which set out recommendations for de facto standards and for
good practice in the above areas of language engineering.
The EAGLES initiative is coordinated by Consorzio Pisa
Ricerche, Pisa, Italy which also manages the EAGLES home page
and the EAGLES ftp server.
The work towards common specifications is carried out by five working groups:
- Text Corpora
- Computational Lexicons
- Grammar Formalisms
- Evaluation
- Spoken Language
These are concerned with firstly establishing common methodologies for the five areas of concern within EAGLES, in order to subsequently arrive at de facto standards.
For further information on EAGLES, you are invited to read an
introductory document which gives information on the
initiative in general and characterises the currently available
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