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The syntactic layer of the model is composed of SYNTACTIC
UNITS (USYN). Relevant information about syntagmatic behaviour
of lexical items may be expressed within this layer. This includes:
- information about construction of an item:
- basic saturated construction in terms of governed ``positions"
- transformational possibilities of such constructions
- linearity (fixed, restricted, free order of position) when it is
not related to stylistic or rhetoric choices
- pronominalization
- optionality (mandatory, conditional, optional actualization of
- distribution of a position:
- type of syntagm (a limitative list of labels is given)
- restriction on internal structure of syntagm (such syntagms may be
themselves described in terms of positions, so syntactic description may be as
refined as desired)
- restriction in terms of morpho-syntactic features
- restriction on lexical realization (by the means of aspectual
specification, denotational constraints, reference to one particular
lexical item, etc.)
- specification of connecting element
- grammatical function of the syntagm in a position
- thematic role of the syntagm in a position
- compound syntactic units, where every component is a
'position', with means for describing all kinds of variations in their
surface actualization:
- the interaction between the "internal" and "external"
positions, i.e. how far a syntactic compound is saturated
- the paradigms of lexical realization of a position in such a
compound unit
- optionality of a position in such a compound unit (mandatory,
conditional, optional actualization)
- accepted transformation(s) (e.g. pronominalization of some
The criterion for distinguishing several USYNs related to a single
UM is merely the diversity in syntactic behaviours.