Number has only two values, singular and plural
Attribute | Value | Gr. example | Gr. tag |
Number | singular | ghrafw | VbFiIdPr01Sg |
plural | ghrafoume | VbFiIdPr01Pl | |
As for Person, the attribute of Number is left unspecified for the infinitival form, because the number of the compound form is marked on the auxiliary verb:
``O Ghiannys ehei fughei.'' -- singular
``Oloi ehoun fughei.'' -- plural
In the case of active participial forms ending in `-ontas', which function as adverbs, the value of Number is also left unspecified:
``Feughontas o Kwstas, ekleise tyn porta.'' -- sing.
``Feughontas o Kwstas kai y Maria, mas apohairetysan.'' -- plural