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Preliminary Recommendations


Demonstrative: PD

Only the attributes Number and Gender are pertinent to Spanish pronominal demonstratives.

Pers Number Gender Pos Case Funct Pol Infl Sp. example
3 sg masc este
3 pl fem aquellas
3 sg n eso

These pronominals reflect deictic degree of remoteness, which is not, however, coded in EUROTRA-ES dictionaries.

As for Person, these pronominals (coded in EUROTRA-ES dictionaries as `nouns') are forced to have a person attribute valued as third, due to verbal agreement.

Possessive: PP

The attributes pertinent to Spanish pronominal possessives are: Number, Gender, Person and Possessor.

Pers Number Gender Pos Case Funct Pol Infl Sp. example
3/1 sg masc sg (el) mio
3/2 pl fem sg (las) tuyas
3/3 sg masc pl (los) suyos

Number refers to possessee referent. Agreement is established with respect to this attribute. References to possessor number are made via lexical variation (except when the possessor is third person: `suyo').

As for the attribute Person, these pronominals (coded in EUROTRA-ES dictionaries as `noun') have a person attribute valued as third by default since they agree with third person verb forms despite the grammatical person of their referent.

Indefinite: PI

These are: `alguien', `nadie', `quienquiera', `qualquiera', `uno', `alguno', `ninguno', `algo', `nada' and `otro'. All indefinite determiners can be also used as pronouns. In EUROTRA-ES dictionaries this category is split into nouns, nform=pronoun and the category `quantifier', e.g. `nada', `nadie', `todos/as'.

These are variable in gender and number except for `alguien', `nadie' and `nada'.

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