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Preliminary Recommendations


Attribute Value Du. example Du. tag
Type common boek N
proper Piet N

CELEX has no specific attribute-value tag for Proper Nouns as a separate category, but has a proper noun subclassification tag set distinguishing four values. So each Proper Noun gets two tags: `N' for Noun and `geo.' for the type of Proper Noun geographical names, and so on: `N' and `pers.' (names of people), `N' and `merk.' (Company or brand names), `N' and `over.' (other).

Attribute Value Du. example Du. tag
Proper-Noun-TypegeographicBelfast N geo.
persons Wilma N pers.
brand Droste N merk.
other Teleac N over.

The proposed attribute values Noun and Proper Noun are entirely appropriate on the first level for Dutch as well. The Proper Noun subclassification would be introduced as an L2 tag.

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