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Information about the rank of a syntactic unit: layer (g)

From the schemes looked at so far, this has not been marked explicitly, although such information is obtainable from most parser outputs by the embedding of marked brackets. In some systems (e.g. TOSCA) this is shown by indentation. In table 5 there is a number of different ranks, such as UTT (utterance); SU, V and OD (Subject, Verb and Direct Object); NPHD -- noun phrase head, MVB -- main verb, CS -- subject complement, ...gif.

Within some annotation schemes, the concept of rank is applied to general categories of constituents, words being of lower rank than phrases, phrases being of lower rank than clauses, and clauses being of lower rank than sentences. These ranks are found, for example, in the SUSANNE annotation scheme and are used as a basis for deciding whether to represent one-word constituents in the labelled bracketing notation (Sampson 1995: 172f).