The linear order information is supposed to be dealt with by external knowledge of the language (grammar) insofar as non lexically-driven order is concerned. However, some lexical items specially constrain the order, and this information has to be present within the lexical description. The constraints on surface linearity are handled at the frame level. As in GPSG, the inventory of slots (rewriting elements in GPSG) is kept separated from the linear precedence of slots or slot realisations. A frame provides a list of slots whose rank in the list is conventional (canonical or arbitrary). The numbering will not be affected by phenomena such as:
(56)![]() | Adam | donna | une | pomme | à | Eve |
Adam | gave | an | apple | to | Eve | |
`Adam gave an apple to Eve' |
(57)![]() | Adam | lui | donna | une | pomme | (Cliticisation) |
Adam | to her | gave | an | apple | ||
`Adam gave her an apple' |
(58)![]() | A Eve | Adam | donna | une | pomme | (Stylistic inversion) |
To Eve | Adam | gave | an | apple | ||
`It was to Eve that Adam gave an apple' |
(59)![]() | Adam | donna | une | pomme | (Missing optional complement) |
Adam | gave | an | apple | ||
`Adam gave an apple' |
Constraints on linear precedence are formalised at the level of the frame.