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The Language Resources Landscape
How to facilitate identification and access to Language Resources: surveys, metadata, networks etc..

Networks and Associations (click to open)
Distribution Agencies (click to open)
Information Portals
Computational Linguistics and Language Technology for Real Life Applications (COLLATE) is a new project dedicated to building up a German competence center for Language Technology in Saarbruecken.
The goal of the Survey of National Activities on Language Resources undertaken by the ENABLER project is to provide a map of the results of National Projects and activities which, in a substantial subset of EU member countries, have recently been funded by relevant national Authorities to provide LRs of different types for their respective languages. Given that different production and distribution policies have been adopted by the various LR organisations, the ENABLER effort is to identify the existing resources, the gaps that need to be filled in, the R&D priorities and the industrial needs, i.e. the purposes for which the resources are being produced, and the market response to LRs. Although the initial goal was the national activities, it has been decided ti broaden the Survey's scope, and to also cover activities that cannot be considered national (either in terms of founding or in terms of language coverage).
Metadata Infrastructure (click to open)
Standards (click to open)
International Coordination Committees (click to open)
Conferences (click to open)
Journals (click to open)
Training Material and Summer Schools (click to open)
Institutions (click to open)
Projects (click to open)
National Projects (click to open)