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POS-delimitation tables

POS-Delimitation tables in the beginning of each main category section handle cases where confusion with values of other classes/features is possible (heading pos delimitation tables). The reader should note that the order of the pos-values in the pos-delimitation tables is dependent on the first occurrence of the value as a pos-value in this document. Therefore, the tables should be regarded as independent of each other. It is possible that the focussed value appears on the right side in one table (example: verb-noun delimitation tables on page gif) but on the left side in another table (verb-adjective delimitation tables on page gif).

An example of a POS-delimitation table is given below, in Table 2.


pos=noun pos=numeral
D e s c r i p t i o n E x a m p l e D e s c r i p t i o n E x a m p l e
numbers meant as objectsDie erste Hundert/noun   war schon an die Wand gemalt.cardinal numbers, prenominal positionEr schoss hundert/numeral   Tore.
Fahren Sie bitte langsam eine Acht/noun  Er schoss acht/numeral   Hasen.
Hundert, Dutzend as collective groupsEin halbes Hundert/noun   Soldaten marschierte auf.hundert, zwölf as normal cardinal numbers.Er schoss hundert/numeral   Tore.
Million - spelled outmeine erste Million/noun  , zehn Millionen/noun   MenschenMillion - in figuresmeine ersten 1000000/numeral   Dollar
Table 2: A POS-delimitation table: nouns vs. numerals


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