Next: Type
Up: Conjunction
Previous: Application to Dutch
Preliminary Recommendations
In EUROTRA, coordinating and subordinating conjunctions are treated as
two different categories. While at the morphological level they have no
special attributes, at the constituent level we have three attributes
for the subordinating type:
- sconjtype (valued as circ, compar, compl), which serves to
distinguish between:
- circumstantial, e.g. ``Mientras yo trabajo, el juega''
(`while I work, he plays');
- comparative, e.g. ``Juan es tan lento como su hermano''
(`John is as slow as his brother');
- complementisers, e.g. ``Juan dice que es verdad''
(`John says that it is true').
- ftranc, to lexically encode the value of the conjunction to make up a
transconstructional modifier
- comp (valued as q, nonq).
Complementisers are thus distinguished with respect to their interrogative
value: `que/si' (`that/whether').